Saturday, December 1, 2007


                                                                                                    Now my house really seems like a home. Had our first Thanksgiving here. My daughter and grandchildren came from Vermont and we cooked a turkey with all the trimmings. We even made a fire in the cookstove but it didn't get hot enough to cook anything. It felt cozy though. My poor little kitty was a nervous wreck from being loved on so much . He got to where he would hide everytime he saw Katie coming. The thing they enjoyed most was putting money on the railroad tracks . They left for home with a pocketful of flattened pennies, dimes and quarters. That week went by so fast we weren't able to do all the things we had planned. I wish they lived here so we could be together everyday instead of trying to cram so much into just a few days. They throughly enjoyed being with their uncle Troy.  They use him for a punching bag and a hair model. They gave him many different hair dos and complained because he was getting bald and they didn 't have much to work with. I played Barbies with them. They seemed very pleased with their upstairs " apartment." So was my daughter. It was a very nice visit, if only her husband could have left the restaurant for a while and come with them it would have been perfect.