Friday, March 3, 2006

A talent

If I could choose one talent it would be to sing. To sing you don't need to carry a pen and paper, you don't need brushes or paints and wait for things to dry, you don't have to lug around an instrument or have a huge piano. You take everything you need with you. If I could sing I would never shut up. I would like to sing like a girl version of Josh Groban. Maybe like Charlotte Church or Enya or even Carrie Underwood. No,  I take that back, don't like the new country music. Just would like to look like her.


Anonymous said...

Guess my wished for talent would be painting. I have always wished to be able to do that. I love Carrie but don't listen to much music at all. At least I save money on not buying CD's LOL.  Helen

Anonymous said...

Having come from a family where my siblings possess all the musical talent and I married into a musical family, I agree, being able to sing would be wonderful; however, I have rhythm! I can take that (without much fuss) with me too!
Hope your move is going...

Anonymous said...

Talent?  Not having talent has never stopped me.  lol  I sing whenever the mood strikes me.  Be it a hymn, or a line or two from a song that seems to fit the moment.  We have songs my mom passed down from her high school days.  "Will you love me when my little Ford is thru?"  "Redwing"  and others.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

Hello, my first visit here, just popped over from Jayne's (funnyface) journal. I've been reading some of your past entries and I think you've already found your talent. You're writing is beautiful, as good as any song. B. x

Anonymous said...

I missed this entry (didn't receive an alert) I would love to hear you sing, there would be such passion in your voice, the highest note would be so inspiring, the softest, gentlest notes putting us in touch with our emotions, just like your writing :o)     So you sing, sing your heart out.
Luv Jayne

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane my first visit to you , Jayne ,isnt she a babe ? has put us all together as her six pack ,so I wanted to meet the 'others ' I will be back .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm like Jan and Barry just popped over to meet you ~ Singing is a talent but as my Mum used to say if you sing in tune or not  you are happy ~ but it would be good to sing like Charlotte Church ~ lol ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Hello Jane
How are you ?   you have been far to quiet for far to long ....... i want to hear news of you and how you are, please ?
You are in my thoughts
Luv Jayne x