Saturday, October 28, 2006

back home

I am back home in Alabama at last. The time spent in Baton Rouge was not as great as we thought it would be. The town has changed a lot since the hurricanes. The traffic is bad, people run lights and cut you off. There are so many more people there now.

I got a job with the state. I think I made a mistake. It  was with the Dept of Revenue. They hired over 200  temporary workers because of the delays granted in filing taxes because of the hurricanes. It was very high pressure, nothing like the state of Alabama.

I have my job back but I am having a hard  time adjusting to the laid back ways. I keep feeling pressured to  work, work, work even when the work is finished. Down in Baton Rouge the work was never finished. We even worked overtime a lot. The workers attitudes about that is very angry.

I hope I can start relaxing and get back to writing. I have had to delete journal entries when I got so many alerts I couldn't read them all. I was mostly go to bed get up go to work go to bed get up etc.

We did try to do things on the weekends like touring old plantation homes and attending festivals. But after a while they all run together. We started going to thrift stores and buying books so now I have five boxes of books and no place to put them. I really need to have a huge closet cleaning but I'd rather be on my computer.



Anonymous said...

Hello Jane - nice to see you back :o)  i have missed you :o)     I'm not quite sure what has happened, did you have to move home but now you have moved back? And sorry to hear that work is so pressuriesed and that you can relax some more. Looking forward to your musings and poetry :o)
Luv Jayne x

Anonymous said...

Another here that is happy to see you post. Sorry to hear that your BR experience was not a good one but I'm sure Alabama is glad for your return. Poor BR and Hammond and my own St. Tammany are all exploding at the seems with growth in the population.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back home. Glad your job is much easier. Now you can lay back and take it wasy. Hope your daughter gets some good pictures while she is in FL. Helen

Anonymous said...

Welcome home. Hope you settle back into your job - and your writing soon. B. x

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jane,  Thanks for visiting my journal!  You have some great stories here.  HOpe you keep up your writing!  Maria  

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my journal Jane.    Like you I can not keep up with alerts so my entries are few.    It was in the single digits last night here in S. Illinois and today my back is painfull as I have a severe stenosis or narrowing of the lumbar spine and arthritis of the entire spine.    I spend my day reading on my back on a board and cushion as that is the only way I can concentrate.    I enjoy reading tremendously.    I have been working a few hours every several days on a pen and ink for a J-land friend for his personal book of poems.    I hope you get a chance to read the books from the used book store.   I will make a post sometime in the next month so I hope you can  visit  my journal again.    I will put you on my alerts.     mark

Anonymous said...


Thanks for visiting my journal.  We need an update, woman!  Do you have any more journals?  You need to post some pics of the work you are doing around your spring.  Your property sounds lovely.  Here in east central Alabama, it is supposed to be between 85 and 90 all week!

Take care!~


Anonymous said...

Gosh, you sound so much like me, Jane, with the book thing.  Sounds like we have a lot in common too.  I am back home in Alabama too after living in Colorado for 3.5 years.  Alabama will always be my home, but I left my heart in Colorado.  At the same time, it sure is nice to be back in the heart of dixie where my family and friends are.  It was strange going in stores to shop and not know a soul.  Know what I mean?  I love to read, write, tour old homes, and festivals too.

Have a blessed week!~
