Wednesday, February 6, 2008


My great grandmother is not quite as sophisticated looking as yours.
She looks as if she had a hard life. Don't know much about her.


Anonymous said...

I think all Grandmas of that era look stern. Maybe it's something to do with the hard lives they led.
I like to look at the eyes. To me, I think your Grandma looks fiercely independent and determined. A little sad, maybe, but there's pride there too.
Thanks for sharing.

B. x

Anonymous said...

I agree very rarely did you see pictures of the old timers smiling.  They certainly did not a have an easy life.  The pictures I post, my grandmother was a young, single lady.  

Thanks for sharing :).


Anonymous said...

What a shame you dont know more about her, I bet its an interesting story Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I love to collect old photographs. Once I was in this antique store picking up a couple and as I was checking out the owner and I looked at one that was five generations of women. He commented, "You know, they all look so sour as they grew older because of the lack of dental hygiene." I thought that was probably very true.

Anonymous said...

Lots of grandmothers looked like that I guess...hard times...dont see a lot of photos with smiles...strange to see.

Anonymous said...

People of that generation NEVER smile for the pictures.  Now we smile whether we feel like it or not.

Anonymous said...

Back then they were told not to smile in pictures I was told.  Gee, she sure listened!  But actually, she looked quite nice!  

Krissy :)