Sunday, December 13, 2015


 On this night 54 years ago you and your partner, patrolman Rush were on patrol. You were supposed to be driving that night but you told Mr. Rush that you weren't feeling well so he said he would drive. And your fate was sealed.
Driving along a highway in Montgomery, Ala. there came a call to come and pick up some papers  from a hospital to take to the prison for a parent to sign so his child could have an operation.
Driving on Carter Hill Road, your partner at the wheel and you sitting in the front passenger seat, the  car approached Fisk Road.  Coming through a stop sign on your right was a car with four college students. They had all been drinking. There was a terrible crash and you and your partner were thrown from the car. You saved his life because he fell across you and you were on the pavement in an Amoco service station parking lot. The students clothes from the trunk of their car was strewn all around as you drew you last breath.  Years later I met the son of the patrolman whose life you saved.  He told me that if you had been driving that night he would have never been born. It would have been his father who died that night, not you.  Oh how I wished he had never been born.

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