Wednesday, March 24, 2004


My grandmaw had a big apple tree growing in her back yard. Every summmer it was loaded down with crunchy red apples. But Maw was stingy with her apples. Considering the number of grandchildren she had living around her, if she had given us free access to the tree it would have been stripped in two or three days. But we weren't old enough to care about that. We just thought she was stingy.

One day my cousin, Snookie and I begged and begged until Maw finally said, "You can pick one apple apiece, no more than that and don't break any branches while you are about it. I'm saving them apples to dry."

Snookie and I went up that apple tree like two monkeys, eyeing every apple, trying to find the biggest one with no specks, worm holes or bird pecks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful apple tree with beautiful apples!  I am enjoying your journal.  Thanks for visiting mine. -Krissy